The best therapeutic massages for seniors are those done within the comforts of their own living spaces. That means traveling to their location, setting up the table and tools, and transforming their space into a cozy, comforting haven. Senior spa care doesn’t have to be difficult; it just has to be intentional and gentle. Now let’s talk about senior spa care to live young and age well.
We’ve learned that the top 3 safe and comfortable positions for a senior to lie in are the following:
1. On their back, face up. The position should be avoided if the senior is overweight and has trouble breathing over longer periods of time.
2. On their side. Rotate from side to side every 15 minutes for maximum comfort.
3. Sitting in a chair. Older seniors will benefit from the most comfort in this position, as it avoids putting the senior flat down and, instead, gives them the comfort of a favorite chair.
It’s important to note that seniors or their caretakers should always communicate if there are any specific conditions such as knee pain, osteoporosis, or back troubles. Only qualified and professional massage therapists should be considered. You can trust Labella Mobile Nail Spa in the metro-Atlanta area for all of your mobile nail services and to be your experienced senior spa care specialists.
Give us a call today!